10/01/2017 ESPIRITU LATINO La Primera Reunion

How was the Latino dance party? We had a blast! !

Next event is …

ESPIRITU LATINO La Primera Reunion/スペイン語言語交換#2

”Last Night Boat Cruise Party” payment site up!

Everyone I have put the details of the payment site up!!! If you have ANY questions please feel free to ask:)



Night Boat Cruise Party/道頓堀クルーズパーティ

07/08/2017 Osaka Multilingual Gathering (OMG)

Remember if you know ANY Korean natives….We have a special FREE entry so invite your Korean friends!! 

06/16/2017 Karaoke Night

EVERY FRIDAY we have an international gathering of terrible karaoke “singer”. The worse the better Hahahah. It’s just for fun!!:) 毎週金曜日に外国人と日本人と集めて、最低の歌手探してみます(笑)もちろん一番ひどいは無料のドリンクもらいます。はははは。皆参加してください